Thursday, August 23, 2007 has just posted the cover of our next book Tantra for Erotic Empowerment: The Key to Enriching Your Sexual Life. They're taking pre-orders too, though it won't be out until March.

We're very proud of the contents; they represent a distillation of our 8 years of experience teaching together and an expansion of the online course we've been offering for several years. While the subtitle refers to enriching your sexual life, we're firmly convinced that sexual self-knowledge and owning your sexual power will enrich every aspect of your life. Tantra is really about an approach to living that embraces the erotic and divine in all experience.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dark Odyssey

We'll be attending Dark Odyssey Summer Camp from September12-17. This will be our sixth DO event, and each and every one of them has been an opportunity to learn, grow and be challenged, as well as an opportunity to teach and have fun.

Dark Odyssey brings together people from a variety of communities that are on the sexual margins; it's a very diverse group, and that diversity is incredibly inspiring. While only a small minority of those in attendance identify themselves a Tantric practitioners, the spirit of the event is perhaps more truly Tantric than many a Tantra workshop. The conscious exploration of one's edges is an important (if often overlooked) aspect of living life in a Tantric way. Dark Odyssey is a wonderful opportunity to do just that.

For more information visit Dark Odyssey

Monday, August 13, 2007

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Monday, August 06, 2007

Schedule for August

It's going to be a busy few weeks, but we'll do our best to blog while we're on the road. Here's our August teaching schedule.

Tantric Erogenous Zones -- San Francisco
Friday August 10, 2007, 7-10 pm
One Taste San Francisco
One Taste

Pleasure as Spiritual Practice -- San Francisco
Sunday August 12, 2007, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Center for Sex and Culture, San Francisco, CA
Pre-registration and location info: or 415-255-1155

Lecture and Book Signing, The Essence of Tantric Sexuality
Monday, August 13, 2007, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
East West Books
324 Castro St.
Mountain View, CA 94041
East West Books

Using Sexual Energy for Consciousness Expansion, KC, MO
Friday August 17, 2007, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Plaza Wellspring
4901 South Main, Suite 400
Kansas City, MO 641123
Open to all.

Tantric Tools for Enhancing Intimacy - Workshop KC, MO
Saturday August 18, 2007, 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Plaza Wellspring
4901 South Main, Suite 400
Kansas City, MO 64112
$95 per person
Email us: to register for the Kansas City workshops.

Tantric Erogenous Zones at Sexy Spirits -- NYC
Friday August 24, 2007, 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Sexy Spirits
301 W 55 ST, # 4
City: New York
Information and Registration.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Tantric Sex in the Modern World

Although our background and training are more traditional than many Western Tantra teachers, we've taken some criticism on one website for our emphasis on the sexual aspects of Tantra. Some of these criticisms are dogmatic, ill-informed about our work, or based on a more general lack of knowledge about the Tantric tradition; others are more substantive and serious. We usually strive to make it clear that sex is only a small part of Tantra and that many practitioners are celibate. At the same time, sex is what attracted us in the first place, and it's what most people -- whether they're journalists or members of the general public -- are interested in talking about.

The role of sexuality in Tantra is a contested one. Today, most traditional pracititioners are very conservative and puritanical, and most scholars of the tradition take a very dim view of Neo-Tantric sexual practices, pointing out that they are quite far removed, in both form and content, from Tantric sexual ritual. This is true even when, like David Gordon White, they embrace the idea that sex is what sets Tantra apart from other South Asian religious traditions.

While we don't expect to sway our critics, we strongly believe that the conscious exploration of one's sexuality is one of the richest arenas for self-discovery and for practicing within the spirit, if not the letter, of the classical Tantric tradition. Despite the fact that sex is everywhere in our society, sexual knowledge, or better yet, sexual gnosis is taboo. The conscious violation of social taboos was an integral part of ancient Tantric practice, and we believe that deliberately delving into one's sexuality, with the intent to discover and connect with its potentially transcendent power, while breaking free of society's constraints, is an authentic way of practicing Tantra in the contemporary Western world. This is one of the central themes of our next book, Tantra for Erotic Empowerment.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

We've just joined technorati at Viviane's suggestion.

Technorati Profile

Her blog is The Sex Carnival